I normally don’t write out a long list of New Year’s Resolutions for the simple fact that I am usually too lazy to do such a thing. However, 2013 was not a great year for me. I see a need to make changes in my life and improve as a person. Also, I admit I was inspired by Bailey Connell’s post on this topic.

So here they are:

1) Pray every day in the morning.
2) Stop being such a negative person and start having a more positive attitude.
3) Stop being so anxious and learn to go with the flow.
4) Stop pushing away the people I care about and the good things in my life. The person this one is directed towards knows who they are.
5) Blog here at least once a week.
6) Write for an outside publication at least once a week.
7) Start finding a way to make some money from my passion for writing.
8) Pray that God will lead me to a church that I can become a part of.
9) Start writing that novel I keep threatening to write.
10) Read at least 2 books a month, either paper or e-book.

Here they are, some steps I need to do to change my life.

Here’s to Happy New Year to you and yours.